• Can I custom order a piece?

    Absolutely. Contact the artist directly to schedule a free 30-minute consultation to discuss.

  • How much does a custom piece cost?

    Cost will vary based on the scope of the project. A 20% non-refundable deposit is required up front to secure your position on the artist's waitlist; the remaining balance will be owed once the project is complete.

    Once the custom piece is complete, if the buyer elects not to purchase it, the artist retains the rights to list the piece for public sale and/or gallery display.

    Money order or certified checks are the preferred method of payment. A receipt will be provided.

  • When will I receive my custom piece?

    The timeframe to complete a sculpture will vary based on the scope of the project, i.e. size, design, etc. Typically, pieces require a minimum of six to eight weeks to complete.

    Please be advised that the artist maintains a waitlist for custom pieces.

  • Do you maintain an inventory of ready-made pieces for purchase?

    Yes. Please check the website for regular updates on available pieces for sale.

    Sale price for ready-made pieces are final and owed in full at time of purchase.

    No refunds.

  • How will I receive my piece?

    Shipping and/or delivery methods will be discussed during the initial consultation of a custom piece or at the time of purchase for a ready-made piece. Due to the unique features & size of each project, delivery method may differ.